1.Which country is the source for the Fundamental Duties?
Ans:- Russia
2.Directive Principles of State Policy was enshrined in the Constitution in ?
Ans:- Part IV
3.Megalaya State was created on ?
Ans:- 1972
4.The maximum age prescribed for a person to the election as President of India is ?
Ans:- 35
5.The sitting of the House of the people may be terminated by ?
Ans:- Adjournment
6.The Chairman of the Public Accounts Commission(PAC) is ?
Ans:-Appointed by the Speaker
7.Lotteries organised by the Government of a State come under ?
Ans:- The State List
8.The ratio between the length and breadth of our tricolour national flag according to our Constitution is ?
Ans:- 3 : 2
9.The first Municipal Corporation of India was established at ?
Ans:- Kolkata
10.The minimum age for being eligible to become the prime minister of India is ?
Ans:- 25 years