Medieval India
Eighth to 10th Century (Age of three empires in North India)
Pala –East
Pratihara – West and Upper Gangetic Valley
Rashtrakuta – Deccan
Rashtrakutas lasted the longest
For a long time, Kanauj was considered the symbol of political unity of India (like Delhi was later)
Founder: Gopala
Gopala – Dharmapala - Devpala
o defeated by Rashtrakuta ruler Dhruva
o revived Nalanda Univ
o founded Vikramsila Univ
o Buddhism developed
relations with Tibet and SE Asia
Founder: Bhoja
Bhoja – Mahendrapala I - Mahipala
Bhoja (aka Adivaraha)
o Capital at Kanauj
o Sankrit poet and dramatist Rajashekhar lived at his court
Hostility with Arab and Sindh
Founder: Dantidurga
Dantidurga – - Govinda III – Amoghvarsha (Jain) - - Indra III – Vallabhraja – Krishna III
Capital: Malkhed near Sholapur
o Wrote the first Kannada book on Poetics
o Capital: Manyakhet
Indra III – most powerful ruler of his time
Krishna I built Shiva temple at Ellora
Apbhransha poet: Svayambhu
Princess Chandrobalabbe (daughter of Amoghavarsha) administered Raichur