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How much do you know about 1900? (WORLD HISTORY)

How much do you know about 1900?

World History

1. The noble gas Radon is discovered. By whom?

2. The Chicago ship canal opens, connecting the Mississippi River with what?

3. In May 1900 an uprising against foreigners begins in China. It was afterwards

given what name?

4. Puccini premieres which of his operas in Rome?

5. The Box Brownie camera is launched by which company?

6. Which organisation publishes its first restaurant guide?

7. Manufacture begins of which famous handgun?

8. Frank L. Baum publishes a children’s book destined for great fame. What is it


9. Who is released from exile in Siberia?

10. In which American city is there is an outbreak of bubonic plague?

11. The trial flight of which aircraft takes place in Germany in July of this year?

12. In which European capital does the Great Exhibition open?

13. In which city does the 2nd modern Olympic games takes place?

14. The U.S.A. win the first of which international tennis tournament?

15. Which physicist reveals the Quantum Theory?


1.The German chemist Friedrich Dorn. 2.The Great Lakes. 3.The Boxer Rebellion. 4.

Tosca. 5. Eastman Kodak. 6. Michelin. 7.The Luger Pistol. 8.The Wizard of Oz. 9.

Lenin. 10. San Francisco. 11. Zeppelin airship. 12. Paris. 13.Paris. 14.The Davis Cup.

15. Professor Max Planck.

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