The Internet,
the World Wide Web, or the Web are all names used to describe the vast network of information in cyberspace, available to anyone who has access to a computer, a browser (software) , and a connection to an Internet service provider through a modem (or other connection such as DSL, ISDN, LAN etc.) . The Internet is a massive network of networks, i.e. a networking infrastructure.
Web : The Web is a way of accessing information over the medium of the Internet. It is an information-sharing model that is built on top of the Internet. The Web uses the HTTP protocol , to transmit data . This stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol .
E-mail : Electronic mail , commonly called email, e-mail is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients.
FTP : stands for File Transfer Protocol . This is both a program and the method used to transfer files between computers. Anonymous FTP is an option that allows users to transfer files from thousands of host computers on the Internet to their personal computer account.
Web Browsers : A web browser is software, installed on your computer, that allows you to navigate the Internet.
Example : Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Web Sites : contains all the information offered by a particular organization, individual, or company, and will sometimes include links to other sites as well.
Internet access refers to the means by which users connect to the Internet. Common methods of consumer Internet access include:
● Dial-up
● Wimax
● Wifi
● Mobile
● Broadband
● Modem
Virus is a program that runs on a system against the owner’s or user’s wishes and knowledge. Viruses have one or more methods they use to spread. Most commonly they will attach a file to an e-mail message and attempt to trick victims into running the attachment.
Spyware : This usually comes with some free programs and it will monitor your internet activity and send information to some corporation. This type of program is not normally seriously harmful but most people do not want to have their activities monitored.
Worms : It is a program very similar to a virus, it has the ability to self replicate and can lead to negative effects on your system
Trojans : Trojans or Trojanhorse, do not reproduce by infecting other files, nor do they self-replicate like worms. It is a program which disguises as a useful program or application.
Spam : Spam is unsolited junk e-mail sent to large numbers of e-mail addresses. It is used to promote some product or service and many spam emails are pornographic in nature.
Address Bar : An address bar is a text field near the top of a Web browser window that displays the URL of the current webpage. The URL, or web address, reflects the address of the current page and automatically changes whenever you visit a new webpage. Therefore, you can always check the location of the webpage you are currently viewing with the browser's address bar.
Bit : Short for binary digit ; either a 1 or a 0 ; the smallest unit into which digital information may be broken.
Boot up : The process of turning on the computer, which includes a number of functions that are performed automatically every time the power switch is turned on.
Byte : There is Eight Bits in a Byte Compressed
File : Computer files that have been reduced in size by a compression program. Such programs are available for all computer systems.
Crash : An unexpected shutdown either of a program or the whole system.
Cyberspace : A term coined by author William Gibson. It describes the imaginary space in which computer users travel when “surfing” the Internet.
Domain Names : A name given to a host computer on the Internet. Email names are good examples of domain names (i.e., .
Download : The process of transferring information from one computer to another, usually from a server to a client. You download a file from another computer to yours.
DPI : Dot per inch is a measure of spatial printing or video dot density, in particular the number of individual dots that can be placed in a line within the span of 1 inch (2.54 cm) .
Floppy Disk : is a flat, portable, disk made of plastic that can store files written magnetically on it’s surface. Information stored on Floppy disk can be read, copied, or deleted. The disk is protected by a shell or cover of some kind. “Floppy” is now a misnomer, it was originally referred to an obsolete type of disk 5.25" disks were actually flexible or floppy, while new ones, 3.5" disks , are not.
GB : Acronym “Gigabyte” 1,000 Megabytes. A measure storage space. Hard Drives are measured in GB capacity.
GIF : Acronym “Graphic Interchange Format” One of two popular systems used to compress the size of image files so, they require less bandwidth to transfer on the Web.
GUI : This is a system where things are shown graphically. This means that instead of entering commands on a text only screen with a keyboard, the user manipulates icons and windows, often with a mouse.
Hyperlink : A code which contains an “address,” which when clicked, will take you to that address.
Icons : pictures that are shortcuts to programs or files. By clicking on an icon, you start the program or open the file. Usually these are
ISDN : Acronym “Integrated Services Digital Network” Large bandwidth telephone line. Allows you to transfer information quickly.
JAVA : Developed by Sun Microsystems mainly to enhance the “online experience” of the World Wide Web.
Port : port refers to the hardware through which computer data is transmitted; the plugs on the back of your computer are ports. On the Internet, port often refers to a particular application. For instance, you might telnet to a particular port on a particular host. The port is actually an application.
SQL : Acronym “Structured Query Language” an official ANSI language for retrieving information from a database. Most database software providers add extensions. The “official” pronunciation is “sequel,”
Surfing : The random, aimless exploration of web pages achieved through following links that look interesting within a document.
TCP/IP : Acronym “Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol” A set of protocols (communications rules) that control how data is transferred between computers on the Internet.
UNIX : A computer operating system, popular with high-end computer users, academics and the research community. Most hosts connected to the Internet run UNIX.
USB : Acronym “Universal Serial Bus” (the plug is very flat and has no pins or prongs). This is a style of port connection that is used by many peripheral devices such as Palm Pilots, phones, scanners, printers etc. This type of connection is much faster than more traditional kind of connections such as serial and parallel ports (often used by folder printers these ports have plugs with little screws attached) .
URL : Acronym “Universal Resource Locator” The specific path to a World Wide Web file, including filename and extension.
Web Page : A single screen (document) on a Web site.