1. The resolution of Quit India Movement was
passed in which of the following city?
A. Bombay
B. Calcutta
C. Madras
D. Lucknow
2. Who among the following said “patriotism is
religion and religion is love for India”?
A. Dayananda
B. Rabindranath
C. Swami Vivekananda
D. Bankim Chandra
3. Mrs. Annie Besant became the first woman
President of Indian National Congress in the year
A. 1916
B. 1917
C. 1919
D. 1923
4. Who was the last great ruler of Gupta dynasty?
A. Skandagupta
B. Kumaragupta I
C. Chandragupta Ii
D. None Of these
5. Who among the following was not a member
of the Cabinet Mission?
A. John Simon
B. Pethic-Lawrence
C. Staord Cripps
D. V. Alexander
6. Who started the Indian Reforms Association?
A. Narayan Guru
B. Swami Vivekananda
C. Krishna swami Ai-
D. Keshav Chandra
7. Which one of the following was the most immediate problem
India confronted after independence?
A. Settlement of
boundaries after par-
B. Division of Civil Ser-
vice personnel
C. Division of military
D. Communal and
refugee problem
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. D