Indian Polity Question
Indian Constitution Question And Answers Part 2
1. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of lndia? (2001)
(a) It lists the distribution of powers between the union and the states.
(b) It contains the languages listed in the Constitution.
(c) It contains the provisions regarding the administration of tribal areas.
(d) It allocates seats in the Council of States.
Ans:- (d) The Fourth Scheduled of the Constitution relates to allocation of seats in the Council of States (Rajya Sabha).
2. Which Article of the Constitution provides that it shall be the endeavour of every state to provide adequate facility for instruction in the mother tongue at the primary stage of education? (2001)
(a) Article 349 (b) Article 350 (c) Article 350-A (d) Article 351
Ans:- (c) Article 350-A provides that it shall be the endeavour of every state to provide adequate facility instruction in mother tongue.
3. If a new State of the Indian Union is to be created which one of the following schedules of Constitution must be amended? (2001)
(a) First (b) Second (c) Third (d) Fifth
Ans:- (a) First schedule comprises States and UTs hence it must be amended if a new State/UT is created.
4. The 93rd Constitution Amendment deals with the: (2002)
(a) continuation of reservation for backward classes in government employment
(b) free and compulsory education for all children be been the age of 6 and 14 years
(c) reservation of 30% posts for women in government recruitments
(d) allocation of more number of parliamentary seats for recently created states
Ans:- (b) The 93rd Constitutional Aamendment deals with the free and compulsory education for all children between the age of 6 and 14 years.
5. Which one of the following rights was described by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the heart and soul of the Constitution? (2002)
(a) Right to Freedom of Religion (b) Right to Property (c) Right to Equality (d) Right to Constitutional Remedies
Ans:- (d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar described Right to Constitutional Remedy as a heart of Constitution.
6. Which one of the following Articles of the Directive Principles of State Policy deals with the promotion of international peace and security? (2002)
(a) 51 (b) 48A (c) 43A (d) 41
Ans:- (a) Article 51 of the Constitution of India deals with the promotion of Indian Constitution international peace and security.
7. The purpose of the inclusion of Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution is to establish: (2002)
(a) political democracy (b) social democracy (c) Gandhian democracy (d) social and economic democracy
Ans:- (d) The purpose of Directive Principles of State Policy is to establish the social and economic democracy.
8. In the Indian Constitution, the Right to Equality is granted by five Articles. They are: (2002)
(a) Article 16 to Article 20 (b) Article 15 to Article 19 (c) Article 14 to Article 18 (d) Article 13 to Article 17
Ans:- (c) From Article 14 to Article 18 describes the Right to Equality. The Constitution says that the Government shall not deny to any person in India equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws.
9. Which one of the following schedules of the Indian Constitution lists the names of states and specifies their territories? (2002)
(a) First (b) Second (c) Third (d) Fourth
Ans:- (a) The first scheduled of the Indian Constitution deals with the names of the states and specifies their territories.
10. Which of the following Constitutional Amendments are related to raising the number of Members of Lok Sabha to be elected from the states? (2003)
(a) 6th and 22nd (b) 13th and 38th (c) 7th and 31st (d) 11th and 42nd
Ans:- (c) The Constitutional Amendment 7th and 31st relates to the raising of the number of members of Lok Sabha to be elected from the states.