How much do you know about London (II) ?
1. The thirty two boroughs surrounding the ‘City of London’ are called ….. what?
2. What is the correct name of ‘the Houses of Parliament’?
3. The homes and offices of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer are where exactly?
4. To the south-east of the ‘City’ stands the Tower of London built by …….. whom?
5. To the west of the ‘City’ lie the ancient Inns of Court.There are four. Can you name them?
6. What are the four parks which have been called the ‘lungs of London’?
7. What are the famous Royal Botanical gardens called?
8. What is the London home of the Monarch called?
9. London’s Metropolitan Police service is housed at …?
10. In 1998, for the first time, a Mayor was elected to manage the affairs of Greater London. His name is …?
11. What is the name of the street which used to be, but is now no longer, the home of Britain’s national press?
12. The home of the Royal Naval College and the Old Royal Observatory (seat of the prime meridian) are on the river at … ?
13. In which year was London almost totally destroyed by a fire which broke out in Pudding Lane?
14. A revolution in public transport changed the face of London from 1860 onwards.What was it exactly?
15. Which line was the first to be introduced?
1. Greater London. 2.The Palace of Westminster. 3. Downing Street. 4.William the
Conqueror in the 11th Century. 5. Lincoln’s Inn, Middle Temple, Inner Temple and
Gray’s Inn. 6. Hyde Park, St James’s Park, Green Park and Regent’s Park. 7. Kew
Gardens. 8. Buckingham Palace. 9. Scotland Yard. 10. Ken Livingstone. 11. Fleet
Street. 12. Greenwich. 13. 1666. 14.The Underground Railway. 15.The Metropolitan
Line, between Paddington and Farringdon St