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1. Where do Sweat glands occur in greatest number?

2. What is the electorate for a Panchayat?

3. The cause of fractional atomic weights of elements?

4. The second largest river basin in India is of which river?

5. Which Sikh Guru called himself the ‘Sachcha Badshah’?

6. Who wrote “The Communist Manifesto” along with Kari Marx?

7. In acronym SAARC, ‘C’ stands for which word?

8. What is the total number of bones in human skull?

9. Which is the second largest basin in Peninsular India?

10. Who was the first Indian to get selected in ICS ?

11. For which period does Mayor of a Municipal Corporation hold the office?

12. Which gas has maximum calorific value?

13. In which sector is 70% of working population of India engaged?

14. Why do Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa often face natural disasters?

15. Who was the first Governor General of Bengal?

16. When did India join the United Nations?

17. The fossil of Archaeopteryx represents the evidence of origin of animals?

18. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?

19. Why does Mumbai receives more rainfall than Pune?

20. What was the real name of Tantiya Tope?

Answer : 

1. In the skin of the armpits 2. The Gram Sabha 3. The presence of Isotopes 4. Godavari 5. Guru Hargovind 6.

Friedrich Engels 7. Cooperation 8. 30 9. Krishna Basin 10. Surendranath Banerjee 11. 1 year 12. Oil gas 13. Primary

sector 14. Due to cyclones 15. Warren Hastings 16. 1945 17. Birds from reptiles 18. Dr. Rajendra Prasad 19. Because

mumbai is on the windward side 20. Ramchandra Panduranga

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