1. Which is nuclear-capable submarine-launched ballistic missile?
2. Medicine for high blood pressure is obtained from which species?
3. Howmany times has National Emergency been declared?
4. Because of which factor, clouds do not precipitate in deserts?
5. Who headed the Cabinet Mission?
6. Which compound does not contains an OH group?
7. Who has been appointed as the chairman of Central Electricity Authority?
8. Who is responsible for the collection and publication of monetary and financial information?
9. What is the quantity of water in a particular volume of air called?
10. The description of the administration of Pataliputra is available in which book?
11. When does a cell increase in volume?
12. Under which act was the Supreme Court set up?
13. Mesons are found in which rays?
14. Lichens and Mosses are characteristic vegetation of which zone?
15. Who also had the name Devanama Piyadasi?
16. Who was thrice elected President of the Indian National Congress?
17. How many member country are there in Commonwealth Nations?
18. Which plant yeilds biodiesel or biofuel?
19. What is associated with a savanna climate?
20. Who was a contemporary of Alexander, the Great?
Answer :
1. Sagarika 2. Rauwolffia species 3. Three times 4. Low humidity 5. Lord Pethick Lawrence 6. Aldehyde 7. Rakesh
Nath 8. Reserve Bank of India 9. Absolute humidity 10. Indica 11. If the external medium is hypotonic 12. Regulat-
ing Act 13. Cosmic rays 14. The polar zone 15. Mauryan King Ashoka 16. Dadabhai Naoroji 17. 54 18. Jatropha
curcas 19. Scrub 20. Chandragupt Maurya