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1. The anti-malarial drug Quinine is made from a plant. Which is that plant?
2. Who is entitled to initiate a Bill for Constitutional Amendments?
3. What is a strong argument for the particle nature of cathode rays?
4. A radio broadcast from Delhi on Monday at 7.30 p.m. it is heard at New York on which day?
5. Which was the last Buddhist text produced in India?
6. The basis of European Union began with the signing of which treaty?
7. Rainwater collected after 30 to 40 minutes of raining is not suitable for drinking why?
8. What is the poison of honey bee?
9. When it is 12 noon at-Greenwich, what is the time at New York (74°W) ?
10. Buddha died in which Mahajanpada ?
11. In which was Indian Constitution amended for the first time?
12. Which inorganic precipitate acts as semipermeable membrane?
13. Which Committee’s recommendations are being followed for estimating Poverty Line in India?
14. Northern part of Australia is typified by which climate?
15. During the Sangam Age, Uraiyur was the capital of which rular?
16. Which industry produces the most non-biodegradable wastes?
17. In which biological process sugar is oxidised to release energy?
18. By whom was the Constitution of India adopted?
19. Rain shadow effect is associated with which rainfall?
20. Which was the most important kingdom after the Maury in the-Deccan and Central India?

Answer :
1. Cinchona 2. Either House of Parliament 3. They are cast shadow 4. The same day at 7.30 a.m. 5. Vamsathapakasini
6. Maastricht Treaty 7. Because it is acidic 8. Acidic 9. 7.04 a.m. 10. Mall 11. 1951 12. Copper ferrocyonide 13.
Lakdawala Committee 14. Monsoon climate 15. Cholas 16. Thermal power plants 17. Respiration 18. Constituent
Assembly 19. Orographic rainfall 20. Satavahanas

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