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When Papa Scolded Me Short Storie

When Papa Scolded Me

"Baby, come for breakfast. Your milk is getting 
cold," called Bhaiya, my elder brother. 
I quickly put on my slippers, picked up my 
favourite doll, Beeta, and rushed out into the 
verandah. It was a beautiful day. The morning 
air was most refreshing. "Ah, how lovely!" I said 
aloud, taking a deep breath. I ran across the 
verandah, with Beeta tucked under my arm. 
While I gulped down the milk, I heard Papa 
calling out to the driver. 
"Papa is still here, Bhaiya. He hasn't gone to 
the clinic, today," I said overwhelmed with joy. 
Being engrossed in a magazine, Bhaiya did 
not reply, but I could see Papa talking to someone 
in his room, which was opposite the dining hall 
facing the verandah. 
"Papa! Papa! I don't have to go to school, it's a 
holiday. Do you have a holiday, too? Look, Beeta 
has got fever," I said, all in one breath. 
"No, my dear child, I don't have a holiday to-
day. You go and play while I talk to Mr. Singh. 
He is very ill. I'll ask the compounder to give 
your doll some medicine," Papa said lovingly.
It was quite unusual to find my father at home 
at that time. Normally he was in his clinic before 
I woke up. So I was very happy. My father wiped 
his spectacles with the kerchief as he listened to 
his patient carefully. 
I was on the balcony when I heard, "Baby! 
Baby! Come here, see this." It was my brother 
from the verandah. He had spread himself on an 
easy chair and our dog, Tom, was dancing round 
on his hind legs. I burst out laughing. 
"Papa will give medicine to Beeta," I said, 
showing off. 
"And I'll ask Papa to give some medicine to his 
darling daughter, because. . . .because she laughs 
and laughs," said Bhaiya, tickling me and sending 
me into fits of laughter. Being the youngest child 
in the family I received everyone's attention and 
affection. Papa of course, was the most 
I ran from one end of the verandah to the other 
and then onto the balcony, staying close to Papa's 
room to attract his attention while I played. I 
swung on the curtain, thumped on the door, tap-
ped on the table, pulled and pushed the chair. 
"Look, Bhaiya, what a variety of sounds they 
make," I said, pulling the chair, then leaping up 
and rapping on the door, clapping my hands, 
jumping all the while. 
"Don't," pleaded Bhaiya, not taking his eyes off
the book in his hand.
Racing back to the window of Papa's room, I
saw him still busy with the patient. I loved to see
him there before me, while I played. 'He must
be liking it, too,' I thought, 'to see me play around
in his room.'
I dragged a chair and climbed onto the table.
This at last drew Papa's attention.
"Baby, be careful, you'll fall down," he said
"Look, Papa, I am taller than everyone," I grin-
ned from ear to ear making my eyes disappear.
All one could see was a set of white teeth and
chubby cheeks.
Both Mr. Singh and Papa smiled. Papa did not
look convinced. So I said again raising my hands
above my head. "Papa I'm a big girl, now."
He nodded with a smile and continued talking
to the patient.
I touched all that I could reach with my hands
till I got to the black switch. 'No, you should not
touch it.' I was imagining what my mother would
have said.
'If you touch it, you'll get hurt,' Bhaiya had
told me once. This was a 'forbidden' article for
me, but how attractive it looked — black against
the light blue wall. Unable to resist the tempta-
tion to touch it, I pressed the switch and the light
came on. I immediately switched it off. I was
scared, I looked at Papa with large anxious eyes,
but he was busy writing. He did not see me. I
looked at Papa again and then at the switch which
begged my hands to touch it again.
'I'll do it just once more, okay?' I said softly to
myself. I repeated the mischief once more and
was unable to stop myself from doing it again and
again. I seemed to have disturbed Papa who was
concentrating on the patient's problem. Without
looking up from the book, he said in a serious
voice, "Don't do that, you might get a shock."
The klick-klack of the switch and the glowing
bulb fascinated me, "Baby, come here, let Papa
do his work," called my brother.
I ignored everybody. This was the most fasci-
nating game for me at the moment.
TIow fantastic! I press — the light is on, I push
— the light goes off', I muttered.
The patient, obviously, had some serious prob-
lem. My father sat with four books open in front
of him. My running around had certainly disturb-
ed him. Completely exasperated, he put down his
pen and spectacles and shouted at me, "You're not
listening to me. GET DOWN FROM THERE!"
His loud voice broke my trance. I gaped
at him wide-eyed. He fixed his gaze on me, ex-
pecting to be obeyed instantly. I was shocked at
being scolded so loudly by him — scolded by
Papa. Papa, a very soft spoken person, who was
known never to raise his voice, had SHOUTED
in anger at his darling daughter. I was very angry
with him.
I jumped down from the table with a loud thud
and raced up and down the balcony. My breath
quickened, my face went red with anger, and my
eyes felt hot with unshed tears. Throwing my
hands about, I raced up and down wanting to
destroy everything that came in my way.
Hearing the commotion Bhaiya came out.
"What is it?" he asked. My fury found a ready
victim and I ran towards him and pushed him. I
felt like bursting into tears. I rushed and pulled
at the curtain in Papa's room, which came down
with the force. I saw Papa talking to the patient
with his usual patience.
How unthoughtful of him! He is not a bit
bothered about my being so angry with him. 1
was fuming all the more.
I went back into the room, stamping my feet
noisily in anger. Standing close to Papa, I raged
vehemently, "Why couldn't you say it softly?
Why did you speak so loudly to me?"
The next moment I came out on the balcony
and stood beside the money-plant pot. My eyes
were now full of tears. I plucked a leaf and shred-
ded it to pieces. The sound of a chair being pushed
in Papa's room reached my ears and then I heard
his footsteps coming closer to me. I tried to run
away in annoyance, but Papa caught me. He pull-
ed my face towards his and picked me up. Tears
came rolling down my plump cheeks. He patted
my head lovingly and wiped my tears.
"Oh, you big cat!" said Papa, ruffling my hair.
This affectionate gesture melted my wrath. A
moment later I was once again happy playing
round the house.

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