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1. Which book was written by Gandhiji?

2. Which vitamin is essential for the coagulation of blood?

3. Which describes India as a Secular State?

4. When the wind is deflected due to the rotation of the Earth, what is it called?

5. Which part of Delhi where Aibak laid the foundation of the first so called 'Seven cities' of medieval Delhi,?

6. Which is used in storage batteries?

7. When is World Population Day, recognized by the UN is observed?

8. Who was the first Chairman of the Planning Commission?

9. The equatorial regions receive rainfall throughout the year. What is the annual rainfall?

10. When Abdur Razzak from Persia visited Hampi, who was the ruler of Vijayanagar in South India?

11. How much protein a working woman must intake everyday?

12. Who was the first leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha?

13. An element X forms an oxide X03. What is the valency of X?

14. Which is the world’s largest desert ?

15. From where Alauddin Khalji captured the Delhi throne after securing fabulous wealth?

16. Which year is celebrated as International Year of the Shark?

17. Who was the first Indian woman to scale the Mount Everest?

18. What is the introduction of foreign genes for improving genotype?

19. The problem of leaching of the soil is more pronounced in the areas how rainfall is there?

20. Who was the first Mughal emperor to allow Britishers to establish trade links with India?

Answer :

1. My Experiments with Truth 2. Vitamin K3. Preamble to the Constitution4. Geostropic wind 5. Mehrauli 6. Lead 7.

July 11 8. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru 9. 250 cms 10. Devaraya II 11. 45 g 12. Kamlapati Tripathi 13. 6 14. Sahara 15.

Devagiri 16. 2009 17. Bachhendri Pal 18. Immunisation 19. Heavy 20. Jahangir

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