1. Olympic Games after 4th century AD Restarted (Under IOC) from which year?
2. A vein is a vessel that carries blood which side?
3. Where can the report of the UPSC discussed?
4. Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, is located in which country?
5. Who wrote the book “A nation in the making”?
6. Which compound does not give a positive test in Lassaigne’s test for nitrogen?
7. What is the duration of a normal one half of a Hockey match?
8. If saving exceeds investment, how will the national income?
9. What do you understand by the word regur?
10. By whom was the clarion call ‘Dilli Chalo’ was given?
11. What is in lichen symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae called?
12. To whom is the resignation letter of a State Public Service Commission member addressed?
13. With which instrument can a sailor in a submarine see the objects on the surface of sea?
14. Where is the average annual rainfall highest?
15. Who was the President of the Indian National Congress at the time of Indian Independence?
16. Who is the recipient of the first ‘Moortidevi literacy Award’?
17. Which feature film is official nominee for Oscar, 2013 from India?
18. Litmus paper used in laboratary from which obtained?
19. Which is located in the’ Bastar region?
20. In how many adhikaranas is the Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’divided?
Answer :
1. 1896 2. Towards the heart 3. In Parliament before being accepted 4. Nepal 5. Surendranath Banerjee 6. Hydrazinc
7. 30 min 8. Remain constant 9. Black soil found in the Deccan 10. Subhash Chandra Bose 11. Halotism 12. Governor
13. Periscope 14. Shillong 15. J. B. Kriplani 16. C.K. Nagaraja Rao 17. Barfi 18. Lichen 19. Indravati National Park
20. 15