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How much do you know about 1926?

How much do you know about 1926?

1. Which country returns to the Gold Standard?

2. Who succeeds Sun Yat-sen as leader of China’s Nationalist Party?

3. Scottish engineer John Logie Baird gives a demonstration of his new invention.

What is it?

4. Ibn Saud replaces Hussein as King of Hejaz and immediately changes the name

of the country to ….. what?

5. In Ireland the head of Sinn Fein resigns and sets up a new party called Fianna

Fail.Who is he?

6. In Britain the general strike of nine days, which grew from the miner’s strike,

which lasted seven months, ends in defeat for whom? 

7. A military coup in Poland installs which army officer and statesman as virtual


8. Which classic children’s book, concerning the doings of the inhabitants of the

Hundred Acre Wood, is published this year?

9. General Gomes da Costa leads a military coup in which European country?

10. Germany is admitted to the League of Nations, in consequence which other

European country quits?

11. Theodore Dreiser publishes his latest novel, called ….?

12. Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi dies in the same year as his greatest work

(begun in 1883) is completed.What is it?

13. Expulsion from the Politburo of which leading Soviets?

14. Death of which great French impressionist painter?

15. Death of which Czech-born Austrian lyric poet at 51?


1. France. 2. Chiang Kai-Shek. 3.Television. 4. Saudi Arabia. 5. Eamon de Valera. 6.The

Trades Union Council. 7. Josef Pilsudski. 8.Winnie the Pooh. 9. Portugal. 10. Spain.

11.An American Tragedy. 12.The Church of the Sagrada Family, Barcelona. 13.Trotsky

and Zinoviev. 14. Claude Monet. 15. Rainer Maria Rilke.

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