How much do you know about 1931?
1. Who becomes Prime Minister of France?
2. Unemployment reaches 5,000,000 in which country?
3. In the U.K. which former Conservative, Independent and now Labour MP quits
to form the ‘New Party’ which, he claims, "will save Britain"?
4. Which American physicist develops the world’s first cyclotron (atom smasher)?
5. In the U.S.A,Al Capone is convicted and sentenced to 11 years in prison. On
what charges?
6. Abdication and flight of the King of Spain. His name …. ?
7. Which statesman becomes President of France?
8. Which Swiss born Belgian physicist is the first, with his colleague Paul Kipfer,
to ascend to the stratosphere in a balloon?
9. Abortive Fascist coup in which European country?
10. In New York the longest suspension bridge yet built in the world, is opened. Its
11. In the U.S, publication of a dramatic novel about China,The Good Earth which
earns for its author the Nobel Prize in 1938. By which author is the novel?
12. Spain adopts a republican constitution under which President?
13. NAZI party formed in which European country?
14. First performance of a major Charles Chaplin movie, called?
15. The first film version of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein appears, starring which
actor as the monster?
1. Pierre Laval. 2. Germany. 3. Oswald Mosley. 4. Ernest Lawrence. 5.Tax evasion. 6.
Alfonso XIII. 7. Paul Doumer. 8. Professor Auguste Piccard. 9.Austria. 10. George
Washington Bridge. 11. Pearl Buck. 12.Alcala Zamora. 13.The Netherlands. 14. City
Lights. 15. Boris Karloff.