How to Download UKPSC PCS Prelims Admit Card 2021-22?
Go to the official website of UKPSC -
Click on ‘16-03-2022 - उत्तराखण्ड सम्मिलित राज्य सिविल/प्रवर अधीनस्थ सेवा प्रारम्भिक परीक्षा-2021 के ऑनलाइन प्रवेश पत्र डाउनलोड करने के संबंध में’
Then click on ‘2- प्रवेश पत्र डाउनलोड करने हेतु यहां क्लिक करें।’
You will be redirected to a new page -
Now, login with your account with Email ID and Password or Login with Application No. and Date of birth or Login with Name, Father's Name and Date of birth or Login with Email ID - OR - Mobile No.
Download UKPSC Prelims Prelims Admit Card
Take a printout of the admit card and carry it to the exam centre
A total of 318 candidates will be recruited for the post of Police Sub-Inspector, Finance Officer, Assistant Divisional Transport Officer, Assistant Director, District Supply Officer, Sub Divisional Marketing Officer, Block Development Officer, Assistant Registrar, Assistant Labor commissioner,Assistant Cane Commissioner, Deputy Education Officer, Staff Officer, District Tourism Development Officer, Publicity Officer, Food processing officer, Horticulture Development Officer, Plant Protection Officer, Mushroom Development Officer, Statistics officer,Information Officer, Transport tax officer, Child Development Project Officer,Deputy Collector (Personnel Dept), Jail Superintendent (Home Dept), Asst Commissioner (Finance Dept), Dist Social Welfare Officer (Social; Welfare Dept), Editor (Info Dept), Working Officer (Panchayati Raj Dept), State tax Officer (Finance Dept), Dy Registrar (Finance Dept), Dist Probation Officer (Women Welfare Dept), Feature Writer (Info Dept), Case Worker (Women Welfare Dept), Dist Minority Welfare Officer (Minority Welfare Dept), Superintendent