1. Which countries were involved in 100 year war?
2. Who is the author of a collection of poems called Golden Threshold?
3. What do ligaments join?
4. Which is the most important factor in soil formation?
5. Who were the first to issue gold coins?
6. For howmany months is the President’s rule imposed?
7. The pH of water at 25°C is 7. When it is heated to 100°C, then what will be the pH of water?
8. How is Share of Direct tax in post economic reform?
9. Which enterior part of the earth is nearly half of the radius of the earth?
10. Why was the Delhi Sultanate virtually ended?
11. Famous book ‘The Return of the Native’ is written by which author?
12. Which is produced during allergic reactions?
13. Which proclamation of National Emergency automatically suspends?
14. Which place has the longest day and the shortest night on 22nd December?
15. Whose nickname was the Cholisa or the Group of Forty?
16. What is the mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen called?
17. Who has scored the highest run in a test cricket innings?
18. In which year was Tax collection of Central govt. lowest as compare to G.D.P.?
19. Which natural region produced by the creation of climatic homogeneity by the sea?
20. Who invented the technique of extracting scent from Rose?
Answer :
1. England and France 2. Sarojini Naidu 3. Bone to bone 4. Climate 5. Indo Greeks 6. 6 months 7. Remains same 8.
Increasing 9. Mantle 10. Due to the invasion of Timur 11. Thomos Hardy 12. Histamine 13. Right to freedom 14.
Melbourne 15. Turkish nobility created by Iltutmish 16. Water gas 17. Brian Lara 18. 1999-2000 19. Marine west
coast 20. Nurjahan