Apply online for TS Police Recruitment 2022 ?
Step1: Firstly, You are required to visit the official website of TS Police .e.
Step2: Register Yourself using personal details
Step3: Now, choose the Notifications and Posts that you would like to apply for.
Step4: Make online payment
Step5:After successful payment, Click on Continue to Fill the Application button. It will be directed to Online Application Form.
Step6:After Filling all the details, Select I Agree and Click on ‘Proceed to Next Page’
Step7:Fill in Educational Qualifications for the selected posts and Click on ‘Submit’
Step8:It will be directed to the Print Application page. Download the Filled in Online Application Forms for the posts applied for by clicking on the respective posts applied button. A pdf file will be downloaded post wise. Take printout of the Online Application Forms and preserve it till the recruitment process is completed.