1. For howmany years is rolling plan?
2. Who created the unforgettable literary character ‘Swami’ ?
3. Which remains constant while throwing a ball upward?
4. Which soil is very hard to cultivate?
5. Which is the God who is the most prominent in ‘Rigaveda’?
6. Which is considered as a cell withing a cell?
7. In which year was the Constituent Assembly which framed the Constitution for Independent India set up?
8. When was West African Monetary and Economic Union found?
9. What is the name of scale meant for recording weather condition?
10. To whom is the introduction of Buddhism into China traditionally attributed?
11. In which year were Private Sector Mutual Funds in India permitted?
12. Ethylene reacts with sulphur monochloride to form which gas?
13. Ultrafiltering unit of kidney is known by which name?
14. Which is a significant contributor to increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide?
15. Who, according to Jains, was the founder of Jainism ?
16. How did Constituent Assembly arrived at decisions on the various provisions of the Constitution?
17. How many members of African Development Bank are there?
18. Sushil Kumar is associated with which Game?
19. On the 21st June, the day light is seen at the North Pole for howmany hours?
20. Who called himself as the 'Second Alexander'?
Answer :
1. One year 2. R. K. Narayan 3. Acceleration 4. Which soil is very hard to cultivate? – Sandy 5. Indra 6. Golgi
appartus 7. 1946 8. 1994 9. Fahrenheit 10. Kashyapa Matanga 11. 1993 12. Mustard gas 13. Nephron 14. Deforesta-
tion 15. Rishabha 16. By consensus 17. 78 18. Wrestling 19. 24 hrs. 20. Alauddin Khalji