1. Who was the first lady Prime Minister in the world?
2. Which muscle is the strongest of all in the human body?
3. Who has the authority to remove the Vice-President from his office before the expiry of his term?
4. Which phenomenon gives an evidence for the spherical shape of the earth?
5. Which literary figure of the Gupta Age is given the title of 'Indian Shakespeare' ?
6. What is the separation of colloidal particles from those of molecular dimensions called?
7. Howmany ’ of Banks were nationalised since 1969?
8. In which field ‘Aachan Maharaj’ has distinguished himself?
9. Factory farming is the characteristic of which region?
10. Who gave the town Masulipatnam to the French?
11. Longest bone found in which part of human body?
12. By whom are the portfolios allocated to the ministers?
13. A metal plate with a circular hole at the centre is heated. What will happen to the area of the hole?
14. From which direction do Summer rains in Australia broadly decreases?
15. Tipu Sultan died fighting the English forces under which general?
16. Who was the first lady to preside over the Congress?
17. What is the animal on the insignia of the RBI?
18. Molecular and cellular research centre is situated in which city?
19. Indian Standard Meridian’ passes through which states?
20. By whom was the slogan ‘Inquilab Zinda bad’ first raised?
Answer :
1. Shirimavo Bhandaranaike 2. Thigh 3. Parliament 4. Lunar eclipse 5. Kalidasa 6. Dialysis 7. 20 8. Dance 9. North- western Europe 10. Salabat Jang 11. Thigh 12. The Prime Minister 13. Decrease 14. North to south 15. Lord Cornwallis 16. Annie Besant 17. Panther 18. Hyderabad 19. UP, MP Orissa and AP 20. Bhagat Singh