Indian Polity Question
Indian Constitution Question And Answers Part 3
1. Under which Article of the Indian Constitution did President make a reference to the Supreme Court to seek the Court’s opinion on the constitutional validity of the Election Commission's decision on deferring the Gujarat Assembly Elections in the year 2002? (2003)
(a) Article 142 (b) Article 143 (c) Article 144 (d) Article 145
Ans:- (b) Article 143 of the Indian Constitution confers upon the Supreme Court advisory juridiction. The President may seek the opinion of the Supreme Court on any question of law or fact of public importance on which he thinks it expedient to obtain such an opinion.
2. Which one of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution provides that ‘It shall be the duty of the Union to protect every state against external aggression and internal disturbance? (2003)
(a) Article 215 (b) Article 275 (c) Article 325 (d) Article 355
Ans:- (d) Article 355 lies under Part 18 of the Indian constitution which is emergency provisions. Under Article 355, it is the duty of the Union to protect States against external aggression and internal disturbance.
3. The Ninth Schedule to the Indian Constitution was added by: (2003)
(a) First Amendment (b) Eighth Amendment (c) Ninth Amendment (d) Forty Second Amendment
Ans:- 3. (a) 9th schedule is all about judicial review and constitutional amendment related subject, it was added by first constitutional amendment.
4. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of lndia? (2004)
(a) It contains the scheme of the distribution of powers between the union and the states
(b) It contains the languages listed in the Constitution
(c) It contains the provisions regarding the administration of tribal areas
(d) It allocates seats in the Council of States
Ans:- 4. (d) The Fourth Scheduled of the Constitution of India deals with the allocation of seats in the Council of States.
5. With reference to the Constitution of India, which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (2004)
(a) Forests (b) Stock Exchange (c) Post Office Savings Bank (d) Public Health
Ans:- 5. (b) Stock Exchange is under union list, it is not part of concurrent list.
6. Which Article of the Constitution of India says, ‘No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment? (2004)
(a) Article 24 (b) Article 45 (c) Article 330 (d) Article 368
Ans:- 6. (a) Article 24 mandates that no child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment.
7. Which one of the following articles of the Constitution of India says that the executive power of every state shall be so exercised as not to impede or prejudice the exercise of the executive power of the Union? (2004)
(a) Article 257 (b) Article 258 (c) Article 355 (d) Article 358
Ans:- 7. (a) Article 257 is related to Control of the Union over States in certain cases. The state has to comply and implement the following as instructed by the Union.
1. Every State has complied with the laws made by Parliament and any existing laws which apply in the State (Coercive Art 365)
2. The construction and maintenance of means of communication (of national or military importance)
3. The measures to be taken to protect the Railways within the State.
4. The provisions of adequate facilities for instruction in the mother tongue at the primary stage of education to children belonging to linguistic minority groups in the state.
5. The drawing up and the execution of specific schemes for welfare of scheduled tribes residing in the state.
8. Consider the following statements: (2005)
1. The Constitution of the United States of America came into force in year 1810.
2. All revenue bills must originate in the House of Representative of the US Congress.
3. George W Bush is the only President in the history of the United States of America whose father was also the President of the United States of America. Which of the statement(s) given above is/ are correct?
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) 1 and 2 (d) 2 and 3
Ans:- 8. (b) The Constitution of the USA came into force on 4 March 1789 hence option 1 is false.
9. Consider the following statements: (2005)
1. The Constitution of India has 40 parts.
2. There are 390 Articles in the Constitution of India in all.
3. Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Schedules were added to the Constitution of India by the Constitution Amendment Act. Which of the statement(s) given above is/ are correct:
(a) 1 and 2 (b) Only 2 (c) Only 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans:- 9. (c) Originally the Constitution of India has 22 Parts. So, Statement 1 is false and also there are 395 Articles when it was formed and now there are more than 400 Articles. So, Statement 2 is also false.
10. Who among the following was the chairman of the Union Constitution Committee of the Constituent Assembly? (2005)
(a) B.R. Ambedkar (b) J.B. Kripalani (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar
Ans:- 10. (c) Jawahar Lal Nehru was the Chairman of the union Constitution Committee of the Constituent Assembly.