How much do you know about 1920?
1. Which new political party is founded in Germany?
2. In the U.S, the 19th amendment to the Constitution comes into force.What
does it do?
3. Which country signs a peace treaty with the U.S.S.R whilst insisting upon its
4. Death of which Italian painter and sculptor, whose last exhibition in Paris in
1918 had been closed for indecency?
5. Which two stars of the silver screen marry?
6. What political entity is dismantled by the Allies?
7. 7th modern Olympic Games are held in which city?
8. Which American tennis player wins the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis
9. Which President of a Central American country is assassinated?
10. Which city is chosen as the venue for the permanent International Court of
11. Who is the newly elected President of Turkey?
12. Which contest is held for the first time in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and won by
Miss Margaret Gorman?
13. In the U.S, who is the newly elected Republican President?
14. Which ex-enemy country is admitted to the League of Nations?
15. What new form of information and entertainment begins?
1. National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party). 2. It gives women the right
to vote. 3. Estonia. 4.Amedo Modigliani. 5. Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks. 6.
Ottoman Empire. 7.Antwerp. 8. Bill Tilden. 9. President of Mexico. 10.The Hague. 11.
Mustafa Kemal. 12. Miss America. 13.Warren G. Harding. 14.Austria. 15. Broadcasting
in the U.K and the U.S.A.